St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church - Naperville, IL

Video Replay: August 8-9 Masses

Led by the Holy Spirit, rooted in the Eucharist, St. Thomas the Apostle strives to be an inclusive servant community — to be Christ in the World. We bear the Good News of God’s unconditional love to all generations through worship, faith formation, witness, and service.

St. Thomas is livestreaming the four in-person Masses this weekend. You can watch live at 10:30 am Saturday for another group of First Communicants, 4:30 pm Saturday and 9:30 am and 11:30 am Sunday when we will be celebrating more First Communicants. You may also watch whenever it’s convenient for you.

Act of Spiritual Communion

Our Sunday Visitor provides an explanation of how to make a Spiritual Communion. Read about it here.

My Jesus, 
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. 
I love You above all things, 
and I desire to receive You into my soul. 
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, 
come at least spiritually into my heart. 
I embrace You as if You were already there 
and unite myself wholly to You. 
Never permit me to be separated from You.


August 8-9 Resources

Saturday, August 8, 10:30 am First Communion Mass Video Replay (From Livestream)

Saturday, August 8, 4:30 pm Mass Video Replay (From Livestream)

Sunday, August 9, 9:30 am First Communion Mass Video Replay (From Livestream)

Sunday, August 9, 11:30 am First Communion Mass Video Replay (From Livestream)

Please Continue Supporting St. Thomas

We are very grateful for your continuing support, especially through this health crisis, to be the vibrant and engaging faith home you come to for spiritual nourishment. Let us continue to pray for the day when we can once again lift our voices to God in praise as a community of faith. You can mail your regular Sunday donation in the postage-paid envelope provided in your envelope packet (St. Thomas continues to receive and check mail daily so if you prefer to mail in your donation, we will receive it) or signup for online giving.