O.C.I.A (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a process for welcoming new members into the Roman Catholic Church
O.C.I.A is for…
• Those who are not baptized
• Those who are baptized in another Christian tradtion and who seek to enter Full Communion with the Catholic Church
• Baptized Catholics who never had the opportunity to receive Holy Communion and Confirmation
Those who seek to join the Catholic Church become members of the Catechumenate: an ongoing process that meets people where they are on their faith journey and gently initiates them into the life of the parish and the Catholic Church.
Catechumens and candidates experience the weekend Liturgies with a small community of teachers, sponsors and others on the journey. They study the Sunday readings together, “Breaking Open God’s Word”.
Seekers also attend teaching and faith-sharing sessions with Catechists (teachers of Catholic tradition) from the parish who have been prepared to teach.
St. Thomas Catechumenate is a year-round process. One’s readiness in the conversion process determines the actual time of reception in the Catholic Church within a community celebration.
ADULT CONFIRMATION PREPARATION: Adults 19 years and older who have not been confirmed attend a series of classes offered during the Easter Season from the Second Sunday of Easter through the Seventh Sunday of Easter after Sunday Mass. Confirmation is celebrated at St. Raymond Cathedral in Joliet on Pentecost.
CHILDREN and YOUTH: Children, youth and teens who are not baptized or who are out of ordinary time in sacrament preparation are incorporated into the parish OCIA process through the Religious Education Programs for children and youth.
Are you interested in learning about the Catholic Faith?You are welcome to begin a journey of exploration & faith with the people of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Faith Community.
For information call: Chari Rosales in the Adult Faith Formation Office: 355-8980 ext 138 or send an inquiry to mainoffice@stapostle.org.