(201) Singer – Voices of Faith Choir · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Voices of Faith sings weekly at the 9:30 am Mass and rehearses Tuesday evenings. We welcome all singers at all levels of talent. A variety of instrumentalists are welcome as well. Choir usually sings weekly from September through June. Music reading ability is not mandatory–but a love for singing and the desire to have fun is! Regular attendance and commitment required. Please indicate your voice range or instrument: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, or Bass; guitar or other.

(202) Singer – Small Adult Group · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Sing at one or two liturgies a month throughout the year, rotating Mass times. A variety of instrumentalists are welcome. Indicate voice range or instrument on sign-up sheet.

(204) Youth Choir · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(Grades 2 – 6)  Prepare songs, hymns, and Mass Parts to be sung at various liturgies October through May. This ensemble leads all music, including opportunities for solos and harmonization. Rehearsals are Monday afternoons, beginning in September. No previous experience necessary. Group leads worship about once per month, including special liturgies.

(205) Journey Praise · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(Grades 7 – 12) Lead all elements of music ministry for the parish community at various mass times throughout the year (September through May). Singers and Instrumentalists – piano, guitar and bass, percussion/drums, string, woodwind, brass – are welcome! Rehearsals occur one hour before liturgy, so the ability to read music is helpful. Group leads worship about every three weeks, including special liturgies.

(206) Resurrection Choir · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(Adult) Sing at funeral liturgies which are usually scheduled Monday through Saturday at 10:00 or 10:30 am. The choir rehearses briefly before the service. Music reading is not mandatory.

(208) Handbell Choir · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Play handbells. Ability to read music and bell playing experience helpful.

(High School – Adult) Lead the assembly in sung prayer. For trained vocalists. Audition with Director of Liturgy and Music.