(602) Golf Outing Committee · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Help with annual “Holes for Hope” charity golf outing that benefits St. Thomas Cares.
(607) Care Pantry · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Disperse food, lend a compassionate ear and participate in projects throughout the year to assist families. Ministries include:
a. Sorting/Shelving Food: Sort/shelve food once a month during food drive. (Tuesday mornings).
b. Food Packing: Pack boxes/bags for food distribution once or twice a month. (Weekday morning).
d. Food Distribution: Help load food into cars during drive up food distribution. (Tuesday morning).
g. Harvest Sunday: Sort, box, and shelve food.
j. Turkey/Ham Drive Coordinator (Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter): Oversee the promotion, collection and distribution of turkeys or hams.
k. Turkey/Ham Collections: Receive and load donations on collection weekends during/after Masses. Families welcome!
o. Care Pantry Garden: Help plant/maintain/harvest garden to benefit Care Pantry families.
(613) Habitat for Humanity · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Serve one week in June with a St. Thomas team to provide a home for a Habitat family in Mississippi. No construction experience required.
(614) Haiti Twinning · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Work with the people of Ste. Marie-Madeleine in Duchity, Haiti to set and achieve goals regarding education, healthcare and youth programs.
(615) Haiti Twinning Community of Interest · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Stay connected to news from Ste. Marie-Madeleine and the Twinning Committee.
(High School – Adult) PATH assists professional and paraprofessional job seekers (monthy Zoom meetings, individual counseling).
(619) Lakota Nation Relationships · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Foster relationship with St. Agnes Parish in Manderson, South Dakota (on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation).
(622) PADS Hesed House in Aurora · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(Middle School w/parent – Adult) On the first Thursday of each month, bring food to Hesed House to help feed the homeless dinner, breakfast and a bagged lunch. Volunteers needed to:
a. Serve dinner and clean up (6:00-9:00 pm)
b. Make lunches at STA and deliver to Hesed House (4:00-7:00 pm)
c. Make and serve breakfast and clean up (3:30-6:30 am)
d. Provide food as needed by signing up on the website
(625) Couriers of Compassion Prison Ministry · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Become a pen pal to a prisoner. Training provided.
(628) St. Vincent de Paul Society · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Offer person-to-person service to those in need. This can include phone or home visits. Opportunities include:
a. Home Visitors and Conference Members: Meet (virtually or in person) with those requiring rent, utility, furniture, or clothing assistance. Approximately three to five visits every other month. Attend monthly meetings to celebrate fellowship and service.
b. Benefactors: Commit to donate at least $250 (once or twice a year) when notified of the need.
c. Semi-annual clothing drive: Distribute bags and collect donations for spring and fall drives.
(630) Transitional Housing · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) (For families who are facing homelessness)
a. Mentor families for 1-3 years. Training provided.
b. Provide support in resourcing, education, and public relations projects to assist families.
(632) Social Justice · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Our Social Justice ministries strive to address social issues in light of our Catholic Social Teaching. The activities undertaken include prayer, awareness, education and action. Sign up in this category to:
a. Address a social justice issue you feel needs attention. Someone will contact you.
b. Be informed of St. Thomas Social Justice activities at St. Thomas.
(636) DuPage United · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Serve the people of DuPage County through affiliation with DuPage United (a non-partisan, civil organization taking collective action for social and economic changes). Meets as needed.
a. St. Thomas Core Team: Participate in DuPage United actions, coordinate activities within the parish, and foster communication and mobilization.
b. St. Thomas Support Team/Community of Interest: Receive information on DuPage United activities and participate as able.
(639) Housing Alliance · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Build community power and design and take social justice actions to impact homelessness and housing insecurity in DuPage County and Naperville. No experience required. Meets as needed.
(640) Immigration/Refugee Initiative · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Raise awareness and provide education and action opportunities regarding immigration and refugee issues.
(641) St. Thomas Pax Christi · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Meet monthly to share ideas to create a more nonviolent, peaceful, just and sustainable world.
(643) Respect Life Ministry · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Inform the community on issues of abortion/respect life matters. Provide education to the parish via speakers, movies, and discussion. Meet 4 x year.
(644) Respect Life Community of Interest · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
(High School – Adult) Receive emails of pro-life activities, legislation, and issues. Help staff tables/doors for pro-life activities after weekend Masses.
(646) St. Nicholas Relationship · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Support the relationship between St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Nicholas, a predominately Mexican parish in Aurora. Committee meets on an as needed basis with representatives from St. Nicholas.
(648) Inclusive Justice Initiative · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
For more information about the St. Thomas Inclusive Justice Initiative, please click here.
(High School – Adult) Stand in solidarity with those marginalized in society as a result of discrimination, hatred, or persecution; raise awareness, provide education, and support actions that create a change of heart and bring systemic change.
(631) Care for Creation Ministry · CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Raise awareness on the impact of environmental issues through programs which focus on education and actions to care for Creation.