Retreat Team: Any teen, sophomore and above, who has attended a LIFE Retreat (the 3-day retreat required for second year of Confirmation prep) is eligible to join our Retreat Team that plans and organizes the upcoming retreats. Generally LIFE Team meets weekly.
Youth Conference (NCYC & RCYC): Every two years a group of young people and adults attend the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). This is an amazing experience connecting teens from our parish with over 25,000 Catholic teens from around the country. These conferences are open to any teen interested in participating, whether enrolled in the confirmation program or not.
Mission Trips: We offer a variety of mission trip opportunities. This is a great opportunity for teens passionate about service and justice and living out the call in Matthew 25 to really dive deeper into what it means to truly be a servant. Information is usually provided in the late fall or winter prior to the trip dates.
Pancake Breakfasts: Teens volunteer to serve at pancake breakfasts throughout the year. Funds go to subsidize mission trips.
Life Community Nights and Catholic Teen Nights: These are open youth nights for any St. Thomas high school teen and their friends. Come to share real pain, real joys and experience real community, real faith, real life! LIFE Community Nights generally run from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. on Thursdays once a month throughout the school year. Some LIFE Community Nights, when combined with Catholic churches throughout the area, we call Catholic Teen Nights.
For the latest youth ministry news, click here.