“Let the children come to me.” Matthew 19:14
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church invites and welcomes all those with the desire to know and follow Jesus. Our Faith Formation team works with the following age groups: Elementary, Middle School, High School, Young Adult/Adult.
The Faith Formation program is dependent on a sense of shared ministry with our faith community. Parishioners donate their time, talents and treasure towards our program. Volunteers are required to take Protecting God’s Children and have a background check.
Today’s families face many challenges and St. Thomas helps them celebrate together at the Sunday Liturgy by offering Liturgy of the Word with Children and a Sunday Nursery. During the 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. masses from Sept to May, we offer a Sunday nursery for children who walk, through age 3. Children, ages four through grades three (occasionally for grades four and five) may participate in their own Liturgy of the Word at these masses. Our staff wants to welcome and work with all children, including those with a variety of special needs. Please contact us so that we may do so.
During the summer we have a week long Vacation Bible school, called Scripture Safari. Youth either participate or help during this high energy week, along with many adults.
Family faith opportunities are also offered throughout the year, as well as social and service opportunities. St Thomas encourages families to participate in these opportunities whenever possible.
St. Thomas the Apostle Religious Education program is dedicated to proclaiming Christ through teaching and serving, praying and evangelizing and living our Catholic faith. Please contact our office for all information concerning religious education and feel free to learn more about the different areas of our Elementary Religious Education program below.
- Registration Forms
- Curriculum
- Calendar
- Class Locations & Schedule
- St. Thomas Outdoor Classroom Layout
- Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures for Outside and Inside Classes at St. Thomas
- Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures for Saturday Religious Education Classes at All Saints Catholic Academy
- All Saints Catholic Academy Map