Pre-K uses the Our Sunday Visitor Program, I Am Special.  Kindergarten through 5th grade uses RCL Benziger, Blest Are We, Faith and Word Edition. The chapters are based on the pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

1. What Catholics believe
2. How Catholics worship
3. How Catholics live
4. How Catholics pray

Topics covered:

Grade 1: Our Church Community; Our Loving God; God’s son, Jesus; The Holy Spirit; Jesus’ Church of Believers

Grade 2: We Gather as Believers; We Ask God’s Forgiveness; We Celebrate the Word of God; We Celebrate the Gift of Eucharist; We Go in Peace

Grade 3: The Church is One; The Church is Holy; The Church is Catholic; The Church is Apostolic; The Church Has a Mission to the World

Grade 4: God, the Father; Jesus, the Son of God; The Holy Spirit; The Church; Social Justice

Grade 5: The Sacraments; God’s Gift of Life; Baptism and Confirmation; The Eucharist; Reconciliation and Anoininting of the Sick; Holy Orders and Marriage

Family Time: These pages are before each lesson is taught. They give the family an opportunity to focus on the theme of the chapter as it relates to their family life and prepares the children for their catechetical experience.

The website provides resources, information and activities for children, families and catechists.
Textbooks alone do not make up the sum total of a religion program. Other elements incorporated are: Scripture, Prayer, and Service

Scripture: Every thing we do is rooted in Scripture. Classes will open with the upcoming Sunday Gospel Reading with reflection time following.

Prayer: Praying is a vital necessity. Students will learn traditional prayers, along with other forms of prayer to experience a communion with God.

Service: Service is a way to follow Christ. Our program will incorporate various outreach projects to help students be more aware of the poor iin our midst and develop a sense of personally helping to care for our brothers and sisters in need. This will vary year to year and details will be sent home with the students.