Dear Parent(s) of Elementary and Middle School youth,

Soon another year of Religious Education sessions will begin. These sessions are intended to compliment and add a community dimension to the spiritual growth being fostered within your family life. This can only occur through a joint effort. We encourage you to take part in all that our parish offers and to attend the Sunday liturgy. This will help you to be a strong witness to your children, showing the importance you place on the spiritual dimension of life.

You may download the parent handbook HERE. (You may also request a paper copy by contacting the Religious Education Office or pick one up in the Gathering Area.)

Please read this handbook. May its message serve as a reminder that the Word of the Lord is entrusted to us as parents, catechists, our faith community and Christians everywhere to be shared with all God’s people, especially the children. Certainly, the family is the first model of faith formation. In everyday family life, children hear and observe what it means to be a follower of Jesus. The St. Thomas Faith Formation/Religion Education Office is here to serve you and walk with you on the journey of passing on our faith.

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

God’s blessings on you and your family,

Laura Kmec
Director of Elementary Religious Education
630.355.8980, x109

Ann Cotner
Middle School Faith Formation Coordinator
630.355.8980, x121