“Through visible and finite symbols we encounter the invisible presence and infinite holiness of God. Sacraments celebrate God’s actions in the life of the community of believers. Preparation for reception of a Sacrament necessitates a two-fold understanding of this communal dimension. The family is the primary community for sacramental preparation for it is within this structure that we first form values and attitudes, and we first encounter ‘intensified support’ through structured sacramental preparation programs and parish communal celebrations of the Sacraments.”
–Sharing the Light of Faith: National Catechetical Directory for Catholics of the United States.

Learn more about the Sacrament of First Holy Eucharist at St. Thomas
Learn more about the Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Thomas
Learn more about the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Thomas

Candidates normally must have satisfactorily completed two (2) consecutive years of Religious Education for preparation to receive the sacraments. This is a Joliet Diocesan policy. Parent meetings are mandatory for all parents with children being prepared for the sacraments. Absence from the parent meetings indicates that parents do not wish their child to receive the sacraments this year.

Notification of Preparation:
When registering your child for Religious Education, carefully complete the sacramental information section (even if you have done so in previous years). Check off the sacraments your child has already received. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU ACCURATELY COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON THE REGISTRATION FORM IN ORDER TO RECEIVE THE APPROPRIATE MAILINGS FOR PARENT MEETINGS. Based on how you fill out this section of the registration form, you will automatically receive information on sacramental preparation for each sacrament which has not yet been received. Information will be sent for Eucharist in early fall, and for Reconciliation, late fall.