1984 – The faith community of St. Thomas the Apostle is officially founded June 19 with a membership of some 300 families. First Masses are celebrated June 30 – July 1 at Thayer Hill Middle School. The Rev. James Curtin is installed as pastor July 1.
1985 – Ground is broken July 21 for the church building at 1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville. The cornerstone is blessed Deember 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
1986 – The new church building is dedicated September 13, with room for 880 worshippers while movable chairs provide seating for another 120 individuals.
1990 – Ground is broken April 4, Palm Sunday, for the Parish Ministry Center.
1991 – The Parish Ministry Center is dedicated July 7.
1994 – St. Thomas marks its 10th anniversary, with 3,100 parish families registered. The Rev. Donald W. Kenny is installed as St. Thomas’ second pastor on July 17.
2000 – St. Thomas celebrates the millennium with a new Millennium Meditation Garden, Labyrinth, Meditation Park and stained glass windows in the narthex. A twinning relationship with St. Marie-Madeleine Parish in Duchity, Haiti, is initiated. By fall 2016, a total of 574 individuals representing St. Thomas had made 71 mission trips to Haiti.
2001 – In the fall, Father Kenny announces his resignation as pastor to become a missionary. St. Thomas supports his efforts in Ecuador.
2002 – The Rev. Joel Fortier is installed September 22 as the third pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle.
2004 – Highlights of the celebration of St. Thomas’ 20th anniversary include a dinner dance and a special anniversary concert.
2005 – All Saints Catholic Academy, co-sponsored by St. Thomas, St. Elizabeth Seton and St. Margaret Mary Parishes, opens its doors August 24 to welcome students in pre-K through grade five. Fifty-one St. Thomas families enroll 75 children in the school. Grades will be added each year until ASCA offers instruction through grade eight.
2006 – Internationally acclaimed award-winning Christian rock composer, vocalist and recording artist John Angotti begins a two-year engagement as guest artist-in-residence at St. Thomas the Apostle, funded by parish families. Angotti continues to return to St. Thomas in future years for special concerts, programs and church anniversary celebrations.
2008 St. Thomas, along with eight area Catholic churches, co-sponsors “Praise in the Park,” a free concert on August 24 at the Millennium Carillon in Naperville’s Riverwalk Park. The St. Thomas Ministry Center is remodeled.
2009 – St. Thomas celebrates its 25th anniversary with activities throughout the year. Parish membership includes over 3,300 households of more than 11,000 people.
2012 – Fr. Fortier announces his retirement as pastor in February. St. Thomas celebrates the life and ministry of Deacon Will Worden, an original St. Thomas pastoral staff member and its first deacon, after his passing on March 30. A new outdoor Mary statue and prayer area are dedicated in May. The Rev. Don McLaughlin is appointed the fourth pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle June 20 and is formally installed September 30. Parish membership totals over 3,600 households. St. Thomas’ church bells ring at 7:00 pm October 11 to open the “Year of Faith” proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI and to mark the 50th anniversary of the beginning of Vatican II.
2014 – Highlights of St. Thomas’ 30th anniversary year include a special thanksgiving Mass which all former pastors are invited to concelebrate with current pastor Fr. McLaughlin, a celebratory concert and a dinner dance. Fr. McLaughlin also charges the Parish Leadership Commission (PLC) to develop a survey so parishioners can embark on a journey with current St. Thomas staff members and the PLC “to vision the future of the parish.” The St. Thomas faith community numbers in excess of 3,600 households of more than 11,000 people. Late in the year, St. Thomas the Apostle mourns the passing of its second pastor Fr. Don Kenny on December 9. He had been pastor for eight years (1994 – 2002) before resigning to become a missionary in Ecuador until his retirement in August.
2016 – Jeanne Cotter, an internationally-recognized singer, songwriter, liturgical composer, author and entertaining story-teller begins a year-long engagement as guest artist-in-residence at St. Thomas, courtesy of a group of parish families. The St. Thomas faith community numbers more than 3,400 households of more than 9,000 people.
2017 – The Rev. Philip Danaher is appointed the fifth pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle, succeeding Fr. McLaughlin.
2020 – In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the governor issues a “stay-at-home” order in March. Diocesan protocols follow to comply with the statewide quarantine. Public Masses as well as all gatherings at St. Thomas are suspended. St. Thomas clergy and staff record and livestream Masses and prayer services to serve the parish. In June, the celebration of Mass resumes on a very limited schedule with strict pandemic protocols in place. While the church can accommodate around 900 people, protocols permit only 150 people to attend Mass at one time. During the next two years, restrictions are gradually relaxed on protocols such as contract tracing, masking, singing and seating limits. Ministry activities resume and participation increases as restrictions ease.
2022 – Pope Francis announces a synod of the world’s bishops that will be held in October 2023 to discern the future of the Catholic Church. Responding to the Pope’s invitation for everyone to participate, St. Thomas responds by gathering parishioners’ thoughts and ideas through surveys and “listening” sessions held at the church. Members of other faiths and the community also are invited to offer suggestions.
The Rev. Peter Infanger is appointed the sixth pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle, effective July 1, succeeding the Rev. Philip Danaher who announced his retirement in February after serving as pastor since 2017.
2023 – The Rev. Alex Lorang is appointed St. Thomas’ newest Parochial Vicar. St. Thomas also mourns the loss of former Pastor, Fr. Don McLaughlin.
2024 – In the spring, St. Thomas the Apostle mourns the passing of its founding pastor, Fr. James Curtin. on April 22.
History compiled by By Cheryl J. Marshall