Reminders from Affirming One Another as Beloved
- All are dearly loved no matter what. Nothing can separate us from God’s love. No one is outside of God’s Love.
- To love others we need to first internalize our beloved-ness.
- Affirming the other as beloved draws forth their goodness and their calling.
- When it’s difficult to love, try dialogue.
- In harmful situations, prayer is a safe, loving action we can take while maintaining healthy boundaries.
- Ignite love by: Doing something for someone else (love is a choice!); naming what you’re grateful for each day; spending time with children who naturally reflect God’s love; leaning into Scripture (See 1 John 4:7-8.).
View the homily here
Homily starts at the 29:40 mark.
Written by Fr. Peter and Tammy Winn Bocher. (Visit to view Tammy’s weekly blog, “Words”)
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