Spring Homily Series 2023 (2 weeks): April 15-16 and April 22-23

Knowing Each Other, Embrace Each Other



Fr. Peter’s Homilies Series “Knowing Each Other, Embrace Each Other” was an invitation to the St. Thomas community to break down barriers and build bridges. His inspiring words reminded parishioners of the importance of reaching out to others within the community. Andy and Saji were two regular St. Thomas churchgoers who had never met before in person.  On Saturday after Mass, they attended a Homily Series reception with their families in the Gathering area.  While enjoying refreshments, Andy greeted Saji and his family in Hindi, a language he had picked up while working in India.  Slightly surprised, they asked Andy what part of India he visited and as it turned out they discovered they both work for the same Company for over 15 years.  In fact, they had both exchanged e-mails a few months ago, and they laughed about how small the world is.  Their families look forward to meeting again and each was amused at how we are all more connected than we may realize.   St. Thomas became a place of warmth and welcome, where all were encouraged to reach out to others and build meaningful connections.

Previous Homily Series Updates

As we continue to grow in our sense of belonging to one another, challenge yourself to help build and maintain a strong faith community here at St. Thomas. Use the following steps that were discussed during the spring series as a guide:

  • Show Up — just get here
  • Participate — join in
  • Take Risks — be vulnerable
  • Offer Something — take on a responsibility
  • Love Mercy — allow for imperfections (yours and others)
  • Be Consistent — keep coming back
  • Pay Attention — someone is in need, society is in need
  • Die to Self — make room for the Spirit working through all of us
  • Embrace Diversity — variety is needed and it’s time to get along
  • Keep God at the Center — a foundation of Love

Mark your calendars for the Summer Homily Series (3 weeks): June 24–25, July 1–2 and July 8–9. The theme is Building Stronger Relationships — Marriage, Family and Friends. Invite someone you know to join us!

Spring Homily Series

Please return next weekend, April 22–23, for part two of our spring Homily Series: Belonging to One Another — The Blessings and Challenges of Community.

The focus will be: Moving Into Relationship — Connecting With One Another.

All are welcome at St. Thomas, and Homily Series is a great opportunity to extend an invitation to others! Is there someone you know who hasn’t been to St. Thomas in a while? Is there someone you know looking for a church home? Scan the QR code or visit stapostle.org/st-thomas-the-apostle-homily-series/ for a video invitation from Fr. Peter that you can share with others.

This week let us consider ways we can move past anonymity in our lives and let ourselves be known. Keep in mind the following steps for getting out of the comfort zone and engaging more deeply in our parish community.

  • Show up — just get here
  • Participate — join in
  • Take risks — be vulnerable
  • Offer something — take on a responsibility
  • Love mercy — allow for imperfections (yours and others)
  • Be consistent — keep coming back

Mark your calendars for the spring Homily Series (2 weeks): April 15-16 and April 22-23

Belonging to One Another — The Blessings and Challenges of Community

  • Week One: Moving Past Anonymity — Letting Ourselves Be Known
  • Week Two: Moving Into Relationship — Connecting With One Another

See below for a video from Fr. Peter about the spring Homily Series

Homily Series is a great way to foster growth in discipleship, as a parish, by focusing on one topic together. Pairing the weekend readings with the needs of the time, we aim to make each series engaging and inviting. Please take the opportunity to welcome someone you know who hasn’t been to St. Thomas in a while, or ever, to join us