Summer Homily Series 2024

July 21, 2024

Thank you for participating in our summer Homily Series on “Oppressive Relationships.” If you missed week one, Patterns of Mistreatment, or week two, Paths Toward Healing, you can find the “Reminders and Resources” documents below. You can also stop by church to pick up the bulletin from either week, which includes an insert of the material.

“Oppressive Relationships”

A special thanks to Julia Foos, Community Educator from Sarah’s Inn, for sharing her insights about Domestic Violence. Visit for more information.

In last week’s message, Fr. Peter spoke about the work he has done regarding anger management. Following are steps he takes to prevent an episode or to calm down when feeling triggered.

  • Anticipate potential negative reactions to a situation (e.g. before a difficult meeting) and reflect on possible responses.
  • Detach from one’s own idea in order to be open to another’s idea.
  • Embrace the mantra “slow is my friend” to encourage patience over impulsivity.
  • Listen reflectively (e.g. repeat back what the other has said, ask questions to clarify, validate the other’s feelings, etc.).
  • Try to understand where the other person is coming from.
  • Stop the interaction before it escalates.
  • Prioritize maintaining the relationship above all else.

Mark your calendar for the fall Homily Series: October 5–6 and 12–13, 2024!

Homily Series is a quarterly outreach to the parish and beyond, where we:

  • explicitly extend invitations for others to join us at St. Thomas;
  • grow in discipleship as a parish, by focusing on one topic together;
  • foster community engagement with receptions after each service.


July 14, 2024

This is week two of our summer Homily Series on “Oppressive Relationships.” If you missed week one, Patterns of Mistreatment, or week two, Paths toward Healing, you can find the “Reminders and Resources” documents for each available below. You can also stop by church to pick up the bulletin from either week, which includes an insert of the material.

“Oppressive Relationships”

To complement this series we welcome Julia Foos, Community Educator from Sarah’s Inn, to speak to us Sunday, July 14, at 10:45 am in the Lighthouse. Sarah’s Inn is a comprehensive domestic violence agency that serves Chicago and the Western Suburbs. This talk will be educational in nature, explaining the spectrum of domestic violence, how to advocate for victims, and paths toward healing for those affected. We invite everyone to attend and learn together, as we strive to grow in discipleship.


July 7, 2024

The summer Homily Series begins this weekend.

“Oppressive Relationships”

View the video invitation for this series and share with friends:

In this series we will take a look at ourselves and relationships of all kinds to consider the difference between the occasional misstep and that which is habitually destructive, constituting oppression. Remembering that God hates oppression and stands with the oppressed, we will look at what we can to do to alleviate it in our relationships. Invite your friends to St. Thomas! All are welcome!

To compliment this series, we welcome Julia Foos, Community Educator from Sarah’s Inn, to speak to us Sunday, July 14, at 10:45 am in the Lighthouse. This will be an educational talk to explain the spectrum of domestic violence, how to advocate for victims and paths toward healing for those affected. As disciples of Christ, we can all grow in awareness of this reality in our midst.

Homily Series is a quarterly outreach to the parish and beyond, where we:

  • explicitly extend invitations for others to join us at St. Thomas;
  • grow in discipleship as a parish, by focusing on one topic together;
  • foster community engagement with receptions after each service.