Spring Homily Series 2024

April 28, 2024

Thank you for participating in our “Spring Cleaning for the Soul” Homily Series! Let’s continue to grow as disciples together, supporting one another in living simply and thus more connected to the Divine.

If you missed any part of the series, you can view the messages and the “Reminders and Resources” below.

A special thanks to Spiritual Director, Sr. Dawn Capilupo, OSF, for her wonderful talk.

Mark your calendars for the summer series, July 6–7 and July 13–14.

April 13-14: Cluttered and Overwhelmed

April 20-21: Free and at Peace

Reminders and Resources


April 21, 2024

This week, as we sit with the message from our “Spring Cleaning for the Soul” Homily Series, let us be intentional to do what we can to declutter our lives and discover more freedom and peace.

Reminders and Resources

Homily Series is a quarterly outreach to the parish and beyond, where we:

explicitly extend invitations for others to join us at
St. Thomas;

grow in discipleship as a parish, by focusing on one topic together;

foster community engagement with receptions after each service.


April 14, 2024

The “Spring Cleaning for the Soul” Homily Series is underway!

This week we presented Cluttered & Overwhelmed. Please check out the “Reminders and Resources” document, available below.

Return next week, April 20–21, for week two, Free & At Peace. Together we will explore how to make room in our lives so that we can reclaim the energy, creativity, and wisdom God has deposited into us. Invite your friends by sharing this video invitation with them:

To compliment this series we welcome Sr. Dawn Capilupo, OSF, to speak to us Sunday, April 21, at 10:45 am in the Lighthouse. Sr. Dawn is a member of the Wheaton Franciscan Sisters, with a full-time private practice as a Spiritual Directress and Retreat Guide. If you are curious about the development of a “watchful eye” for the movement of God in one’s own human growth, then you won’t want to miss this!

Homily Series is a quarterly outreach to the parish and beyond, where we:

  • explicitly extend invitations for others to join us at St. Thomas;
  • grow in discipleship as a parish, by focusing on one topic together;
  • foster community engagement with receptions after each service.


The “Spring Cleaning for the Soul” Homily Series begins this weekend.

“Spring Cleaning for the Soul”

  • April 13–14: Cluttered and Overwhelmed
  • April 20–21: Free and At Peace

Join us in confronting the many forms of clutter (e.g. physical, schedule, digital, etc.) that overwhelm us and crowd out our souls. Together we will explore how to make room in our lives so that we can reclaim the energy, creativity and wisdom God has deposited into us. Invite your friends to St. Thomas! All are welcome!

To compliment this series we welcome Sr. Dawn Capilupo, OSF, to speak to us Sunday, April 21, at 10:45 am in the Lighthouse. Sr. Dawn is a member of the Wheaton Franciscan Sisters, with a full-time private practice as a Spiritual Directress and Retreat Guide. If you are curious about the development of a “watchful eye” for the movement of God in one’s own human growth, then you won’t want to miss this!

View the video invitation for this series and share with friends:

Reminders and Resources

For more information about the series, please check out the Reminders and Resources below

Homily Series is a quarterly outreach to the parish and beyond, where we:

  • explicitly extend invitations for others to join us at St. Thomas;
  • grow in discipleship as a parish, by focusing on one topic together;
  • foster community engagement with receptions after each service.