St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church - Naperville, IL

Transitional Housing Family Update

This past August, the St. Thomas Transitional Housing ministry welcomed a mother and daughter who moved into a Bridge Communities apartment in Naperville. Since then, three mentors from the St. Thomas Transitional Housing ministry have met with the family to work on goals and budgeting. The mentors, Jen Bystry, Larry Drummond, and Paulette Pekala share the following update.

The mother is working full-time, and has also begun Phase 1 of the Bridge Employment Services Appitude Assessment process to begin to understand her unique job strengths and preferences. As the mother’s job is requiring more in-office time, the daughter is enrolled in after-school care. Some debt has been paid off and other debt paid down. The amount in her savings account has increased. The family is working very hard to understand ways to pay off loans, maximize retirement savings, and understand the assistance available from other resources.

Most of all, there is so much to celebrate. Our family has established a new household, in a new community, and enrolled in a new school system. New friendships are being formed. Getting to know our mother and daughter has been a joy. We are so proud of them.