630.355.8980, x102

Fr. Philip Danaher was born and raised in St. Louis. He joined the Society of the Divine Word (Divine Word Missionaries) in 1975.  After working two years with the Divine Word Missionaries in Japan (1976 – 1978), he returned to the United States and made his first profession of vows with the Society in 1979. He then attended Catholic Theological Union in Chicago from 1979 to 1983 and was ordained on December 10, 1983. He returned to Japan and, after two years of language studies, was associate pastor at a parish in Tokyo. In 1989, Father returned to the United States and was assigned to hospital ministry in Pittsburgh until 1992.  From 1992 – 1996 he was associate pastor at St. Ferdinand Parish in Chicago. In 1996 he joined the Joliet Diocese where he served as associate pastor at St. Philip the Apostle, followed by service at St. Raphael Parish in Naperville from 1998 to 2002, also as associate pastor. Fr. Danaher was pastor of Christ the Servant Parish in Woodridge from June 2002 until January 2011 when he was named pastor of St. Philip the Apostle Addison. Fr. Danaher became the 5th Pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle in Naperville in June 2017.